FOR SALE: This biedermeier instrument built ca. 1820 by Wilhelm Bojavsky, is the only one I have ever seen with Bojavsky’s nameplate and is typical for those of the period from 1820-30 with it’s elegantly curved case, triple stringing throughout and “mutations” – Verschiebung, moderator, damper pedal, and the so-called “Trommel” (drum). Restoration finished in 2020.It is made of walnut, has six octaves, viennese action, four brass pedals and gilded legs.


The instrument is ideal for early romantic music such as Schubert, Brahms, and Beethoven.


I am happy to answer any and all questions about Bojavsky's Fortepiano. Please contact me for the full restoration report and to schedule viewings (also via video call).


You can hear some of Schubert's 'Deutsche Tänze' performed on the Bojavsky in the video below: